- Performances 8
Subscriptions 8
Subscriptions 8
- Vouchers & more 8
8 products listed
Choose freely between opera, drama and ballet at least four plays from the programme of Theater Basel. Depending on the number of plays selected, you will receive a discount of between 10 and 20% (excluding special events and guest performances).
- From 4 events: 10% discount
- From 6 events: 15% discount
- From 10events: 20% discount
For ballet fans, only this season with 20% discount
Off to the weekend with a 15% discount
Gemischtes Wochentag-Abo
Mix everything once with a 15% discount
Musikalisches Wochenend-Abo
For sounding days with a 10% discount
Premieren-Abo Schauspielhaus
In the compact auditorium with 450 seats, you are always very close to the premieres at the Schauspielhaus. With a premiere reception and festive atmosphere.
For theatre fans, also this season with a 20% discount
End of the week with 15 to 20% discount
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